Comfort Food & Creative Block

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
— Hippocrates

Can we talk about creative block?

Creative block is this ugly thing no one likes to talk about, but runs rampant in the lives of professional creatives. It can feel like no matter what you try, all your ideas feel stale or sad or both. It really sucks. It can feel like this pit you can't see the top of that you never saw coming. And if you decide to Google search (like I did) strategies to beat writers block/creative block you get everything from "sleep more" to "maybe your stress level is too high."

Gee, thanks. I had no idea.

Recently, I have found myself in the aforementioned rut asking myself, what is wrong with me??? I can't think of anything that sounds good, or interesting, or exciting...everything I come up with sounds like chicken and broccoli. For the last 2ish years, I have been on a journey of self-discovery and weight loss. I have completely changed my mindset when it comes to food. I used to only cook on the weekends and I only wanted to make challenging or expensive things. Cooking was like this challenge or craft project. Then I read this amazing book called The Wild Diet by Abel James and it changed my life. I always viewed health food as boring and no for Foodies. After reading the book, I began to create meals that were healthful, creative, and delicious. I would never have started this business without Mr. James' book. 

In the year that followed, I experienced a creative boom. I had more ideas than I had time. I was getting married, I had started an additional job, and every second of free time I had, I was in the kitchen creating things for myself and experimenting with vegetables I'd never been interested in before. I didn't really have to try, the ideas came to me in my sleep, in conversations, at was amazing.

But since getting married, and starting this business I have quit my additional job in order to focus on my own ambitions and I don't know if maybe having too much time is the problem or burnout or what it could be, but I'm stuck, y'all.

So I had this idea to get back to my roots for a minute. My background is in Southern Comfort Food, but not like your grandma made. My favorite thing has always been to take comfort foods and make them from scratch. I love making basics. Like my chicken stock, which is the foundation for many many things I make. 

So FINALLY I had an idea. How about taking that foundation and making myself and my husband some sick comfort food, health be damned! This chicken and dressing recipe is totally nostalgia-inducing. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. It is crowd-pleasing because who doesn't love cornbread and chicken? No one. The answer is no one. 

This dish is like carby chicken noodle soup. Full of soul-warming mirepoix vegetables and healing herbs, if you're feeling down I dare you to eat this. (On cheat day, of course)

I felt a little weird telling you a cheat meal inspired me to make better healthy food, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that has always been my perspective, I just wasn't aware of it. Health food should be approachable and nostalgic. It doesn't always have to be cutting edge or new. Sometimes the best food is referential. It can really draw people in.

So, I have decided to kick off my blog with a comfort food series. I'll teach you some of my absolute favorite cozy, delicious comfort food recipes. Some I learned from my Nana, some from Food Network, some I just created and they now have a permanent place in my repertoire. I hope you enjoy them!  


So, while enjoying my delicious pile of comfort, I bring you the recipe for my creative block killer. Make a ton, it goes fast!


Chicken & Dressing

Hearty chicken noodle soup soaked cornbread, baked with gravy and roasted chicken.


·         4 Boxes Jiffy Mix

·         1 Pint Buttermilk

·         4 Large Eggs

·         3 Tbsp Herbs De Provence Blend (or a mix of your favorite poultry herbs)

·         3 cups leftover bread, cubed

·         6-8 cups Good Quality Chicken Stock or Bone Broth

·         1 whole roasted chicken OR Rotisserie Chicken, shredded

·         3 Carrots, roughly chopped

·         3 Celery stalks, roughly chopped

·         1 Sweet Yellow Onion, roughly chopped

·         1 ½ stick of salted butter, divided

·         Olive Oil

·         1 tsp Garlic Powder

·         ¼ cup AP Flour



·        Make Cornbread

1.       Preheat oven to 400°F

2.       Combine dry Jiffy Mix with eggs, buttermilk, and 1 Tbsp of Herbs De Provence. Stir until well combined

3.       Split into 2 greased pie plates & bake according to package instructions.

4.       Allow to cool while completing the rest of your elements

5.       Reduce oven temp to 350°F


·        Cook Veggies

1.       Heat cast iron skillet over med-high heat. First add olive oil, then 2 Tbsp butter.

2.       Once butter is melted, add in veggies and sauté until soft

3.       Add 1 tsp garlic powder & 1 Tbsp Herbs De Provence. Stir.

4.       Remove veggies from skillet & set aside. DO NOT CLEAN SKILLET

·        Make Gravy

1.       Add ¼ cup of the butter into the hot skillet and allow to melt.

2.       Add flour to skillet and whisk to combine, creating a roux.

3.       Once your roux has toasted about 30 seconds, add in 3 cups of chicken stock & whisk until there are no lumps

4.       Bring gravy up to a boil, then down to a simmer & remove from heat.

·        Make Stuffing

1.       Melt the remaining butter

2.       In your largest bowl, combine crumbled cornbread, bread cubes, 1 Tbsp. Herbs De Provence, melted butter, & remaining chicken stock

3.       Mix until the entire mixture is wet

·        Build

1.       In a greased 9 x 13in casserole dish (preferably one with tall sides), layer ½ of the bread mixture

2.       Spread ¾ of veggie mixture evenly across

3.       Distribute ½ of shredded chicken evenly

4.       Top with ½ of gravy

5.       Layer remaining bread mixture

6.       Remaining veggies

7.       Remaining Chicken

8.       Top with gravy

·        Bake

1.       Uncovered for 30 mins, or until middle is set

2.       Serve!